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Three Things I LOVE about BookShark’s Science Curriculum

I am a BookShark Brand Ambassador and did receive curriculum in exchange for sharing details of their product.

When we decided to homeschool my son, I wasn’t too excited about science. My husband is far more knowledgable on all things science, so we had decided that I would leave it to him. Then we got our curriculum and I changed my mind. BookShark Science uses a great variety of science books. The books are very colorful and captured the attention of both an eager Kindergartener and a hesitant Mama.

I wanted to share the three things that caused me to change my mind about teaching my homeschooler science.

BookShark Science Curriculum


I think if I had taken BookShark science in my years of learning I would likely have had a completely different view of science when I was growing up. I now view science for exactly what it is, something we can see and touch and live. No longer do I look at it as a dry bland textbook.


Foolproof DVD

With the BookShark science curriculum we get a DVD. I was a little indifferent on it when I saw it enclosed in the kit. But it is a great lesson for my son, because sometimes I don’t get our experiment to work like it is supposed to. Especially with our 3rd grade science when we were working with Botany. Not all our seeds grew as they should have in the time allotted. (And there was the time at the end of our corn growing that I neglected to leave them enough water before we left on a trip.) When our experiment doesn’t work out as it should (which happens with science) we can turn on our DVD and see the teachers do the experiment that we are working on.   Also, we have lazy days where we sit and watch experiments we have done in the past. oftentimes it will have us inspired to do science experiments for fun. I have more than once turned on a DVD for my pre-school aged daughter to watch so that she feels included while we work on another school project with my son.


Hands-On Science Experiments

With our science kit we get a materials box. Included in our box is most of the things we will need for our experiments for the year. Each year you will receive a different box ranging from: aluminum foil, corks, batteries, magnets, straws, tape, paperclips, clay, seeds, cups, wire, and even nails. Many of the items are things you may already have at home, but it is so convenient to not have to hunt down the items each time you have to do an experiment.

BookShark Science Curriculum

Amazing Living Books My Kids Reach For Again and Again

With BookShark we get so many books to add to our shelf each year. My son’s favorite are always the science books. They are usually full of detailed, colorful photos that capture his attention and leave him wanting to turn the page and take on lesson after lesson. We have had the privilege of doing BookShark for five years now and we still love to look back at old science books from years prior.

Being able to look back in a book for answers to a question instead of just googling the answer is a wonderful way to grow our love of learning. To see the photos  captured on the page and have the answers in a more age appropriate answer is far more preferred than a search result on a website any day.  More than once my son has gone to his bookshelf to look up an answer to a question he had. Giving him freedom to find the answer on his own gives him both the sense of accomplishment and ensures he will remember the information longer.


Prep Work is Done For Me With the BookShark Schedule

I love the Instructor Guide and 4-Day schedule for science that I get with BookShark. I am able to better prepare for everything ahead with the schedule already drawn out.

On most weeks we have 3 days of book learning followed with an experiment on our fourth day of the week. It is a wonderfull way of breaking up the week and doesn’t wear us out on too much book work and gives us the great reward of an experiment.

BookShark will tell us which book we will need for the week, which pages to read each day and provide questions in relation to the lesson.

The schedule will also help you prepare for the coming week. With the science experiments there may be weeks that will require something not provided in your materials box. Those items will be notated for the current week as well as for the week following. I love this opportunity to help me stay prepared and not having to go to the store at the last minute.

So, even if you are a little reluctant to teach science to your homeschooler, I encourage you to give it a try. BookShark’s science curriculum does a wonderful job providing you with everything you need to succeed! Request a free catalog today! 

Three things I love about BookShark's Science Curriculum #sponsored